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Fidra - Responding to environmental disasters - Chronic pellet losses - Webinar
This webinar is part of our Solutions to Pellet Pollution Webinar Series.
Hear from Fidra and guest speakers to learn what chronic plastic pellet pollution is, how civil society has and continues to play an important role in responding to chronic pellet pollution and what can be learnt from past experiences to improve responses in the future. This webinar is Chaired by: Lucie Padovani - Surfrider Europe (https://www.surfrider.eu/) Guest speakers include: Heather McFarlane – Fidra (https://www.nurdlehunt.org.uk/) Jordi Oliva - Good Karma Projects (https://goodkarmaprojects.org/) Sarah Marshall - Planet Aware (https://www.planetaware.co.uk/) Heidi Tait - Tangaroa Blue (https://www.tangaroablue.org/)
Language: English