
Organisations around the world are working to end nurdle pollution some of whom you will find listed in the Directory below. Please note Fidra is not endorsing these organisations or their work we are simply helping you find people who may be working on nurdle pollution.



A Greener Future

A Greener Future is committed to providing opportunities that bring together a community of volunteers and inspire action to create a clean, healthy environment that can be sustained for generations. Our Vision is a world where people can come together to learn, connect and take action to eliminate waste and preserve the environment. We frequently host nurdle hunts along the shores of the Great Lakes.
North America
Rochelle Byrne - Executive Director

Land based
Corporate Engagement, Education



Education, Evidence and Innovation

Fauna and Flora


Land based
Sea based
Corporate Engagement, Policy and Legislation


Heather McFarlane (Senior Project Manager)
Dani Whitlock (Project Officer)
Jamie Clarkson (Project Officer)

Sea based
Corporate Engagement, Policy and Legislation

Lekjutters Vijfheerenlanden


Education, Evidence and Innovation

Litter Free Dorset

Litter Free Dorset is a community campaign hosted by Dorset Council, working to reduce litter at source across our county and improve bathing water quality at Dorset’s 38 designated bathing waters. We collaborate with community groups, residents and businesses to deliver coastal and inland projects on a range of issues such as roadside litter, takeaway packaging, cigarette butts, food waste, recycling, and more. Please visit our website at Litter Free Dorset – Campaigning to reduce litter and improve water quality in Dorset to find out more about our current campaigns and projects.
Emma Teasdale
Litter Free Dorset Coordinator
01305 224738

Land based
Corporate Engagement, Education

Menos plastico es fantastico

Central & South America

Evidence and Innovation, Policy and Legislation

Mingas por el mar

Mingas por el Mar is an Non-Profit Organisation that has more than 25 leaders in the coastal region, highlands and archipelago of Galapagos with 350 volunteers including professionals in the area of Biology, Law, Hospitality, Environmental Engineering, Education, Art and more. Compromise to be a leading example of caring about the environment to the rest of citizens to inspire the change in a variance of aspects.

We educate the community in topics related to pollution, focusing in plastic wastage and educating about their negative effects in general health.

Create a change behaviour and thought towards the problematic issue that we are facing.

Transmite our message to the majority of population to promote good consumption habits into our community,

Foment the diminishing of one use disposable plastic wastage and transmitting a culture of reusing and reducing.

In field data monitoring to help investigation, open new research and to learn about a particular point of marine polluted area.

Social environmental development it one of our cores values, therefore we encourage and arrange coworking with all different actors from our community including our local government, businesses, education academies and citizens.
Central & South America
Cecilia Torres
Maria Esther Briz

Land based
Sea based
Corporate Engagement
Evidence and Innovation, Policy and Legislation

Nurdle Patrol

North America

Land based
Education, Evidence and Innovation

Planet Aware


Land based
Evidence and Innovation, Policy and Legislation

Plastic Punch

Created in January 2018 by a group of seven young international advocates, Plastic Punch (PP) aims at promoting a circular economy and environmental preservation, particularly marine conservation, to support sustainable development impacting future generations. PP’s objective is also to inspire behavioural change through citizen science and awareness raising towards sustainable waste management practices with an emphasis on reducing plastic pollution.
The NGO started its projects in Ghana, home to a rich flora and fauna, and more specifically marine turtles, a highly endangered species that come to its shores on an annual basis to lay their eggs. As evidenced during turtle monitoring sessions conducted by the PP team, the amount of waste on the beaches directly harms the turtles, which must nest amidst considerable amounts of plastic waste and can die by ingesting plastic floating in the water.
Africa & the Middle East

Land based
Sea based
Corporate Engagement
Evidence and Innovation, Policy and Legislation

Sea Shepherd Australia Marine Debris Campaign

Sea Shepherd is an international, non-profit marine conservation organization that campaigns to defend, conserve and protect the world’s oceans.
Our Australia-wide Marine Debris campaign drives community change through education and beach clean-ups, empowering people to realise every piece counts.
Sea Shepherd is committed to promoting and facilitating family-friendly coastal and river clean-up activities and inspiring the community, businesses and industry to take action in support of the protection and conservation of local marine environments.

Land based
Education, Policy and Legislation

Seas at Risk


Land based
Sea based, Policy and Legislation


, Education