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  • File Size 1.31 MB
  • File Count 5

Fauna and Flora International - Stemming the tide - putting an end to plastic pellet pollution 2022 - Additional assets ONLY

The Fauna & Flora International’s (FFI) report explores plastic pellets’ impact on the environment and biodiversity, exploring how and when they enter our oceans and the limited action being taken to prevent this damaging source of pollution.  

The report includes useful infographics that help communicate evidence-based recommendations for immediate measures and regulations that can be put in place to help curb the issue.  

This download file includes high quality infographics from the report and how to credit these resources correctly if you intend to redistribute them. This file does not include the report which can be found here.

Language: English

Attached Files

FFI - Supply chain lossDownload
FFI - shipping incidentsDownload
FFI - SCA SolutionDownload
FFI - Biodiversity ImpactsDownload